
Lindsay Kolowich Cox
Lindsay Kolowich Cox



市场ers spend a lot of time起草凄美的电子邮件副本, designing wonderfully branded电子邮件模板, and craftingsuccinct and enticing email subject linesthat get open and click-through rates skyrocketing.



Boost opens & CTRs. Get started with HubSpot's free email marketing software.


If steering clear of legal trouble isn't enough to convince you, squeezing more ROI out of your电子邮件营销efforts certainly should. Take a look at the things you should absolutelyneverdo in your email marketing if you want your messages to be successfully delivered, and the things you can proactively do to increase your rate of email deliverability.

提高电子邮件传递性的第一步将是运行测试,以查看是否遇到任何问题。要了解有关电子邮件交付性测试工具的更多信息,click here.

29 Ways to Avoid Sending Spam Email & Improve Your Email Deliverability


1. Don't buy or rent email lists.

Yes, you can legally rent and purchase lists of people who have agreed to email communications -- butit's never a good idea.Not only is it a dirty email marketing tactic that goes against the Terms of Service for your email service provider, but these people don't actually know you -- and it's likely they won't even wantyouremails. In other words, there's a good change they'll mark you as spam. Plus, let's be honest ... high quality email addresses are never for sale.

2. Don't scrape sites for email addresses.

抓取电子邮件地址的网站似乎是建立联系列表的快速方法,但这对您的业务不利 - 更不用说在包括美国在内的许多国家 /地区,thanks to the CAN-SPAM Act.

3. Don't email people who have bounced repeatedly.


((Email deliverability is covered extensively in集线器's free email marketing certification course,因此请检查一下以了解更多信息。)


Don't yell at people. It's not nice. Using all caps in your subject line might get the recipients' attention, but probably not in a good way. Using all caps can really rub people the wrong way. It's annoying and can seem spammy.

实际上,according to a study by the Radicati Group,more than 85% of respondents prefer an all-lowercase subject line to one in all caps.

Instead of using disruptive tactics like all caps to get people's attention, try personalizing your emails, establishing relevancy, and using catchy and delightful language. (阅读此博客文章,介绍如何编写引人注目的电子邮件for more tips.)

5. Don't use exclamation points!!!!!

可以使您的主题行和/或电子邮件看起来不专业和垃圾邮件的另一件事?感叹号 - 尤其是连续一堆。什么时候69% of email recipients仅根据主题行报告电子邮件为垃圾邮件,you'll want to stay away from triggers like this as much as you can.

另外,当您要求标点符号做单词的工作时,它确实可以稀释您的信息。下次您想在电子邮件(或其他任何地方)中使用感叹号时,use this flowchart, "Should I Use an Exclamation Point?", as a gut check.

6. Don't use video, Flash, or JavaScript within your email.


至于JavaScript和其他动态脚本,即使垃圾邮件过滤器允许您通过电子邮件,大多数电子邮件客户端也无法允许这些脚本运行 - 因此,请避免使用它们。

7. Don't embed forms in your emails.

由于安全风险,在通用电子邮件客户端的电子邮件中不支持表格。相反,放置通话行动按钮or a link toa landing page with a formin the body of your email.

(HubSpot客户:学习如何在HubSpot中的电子邮件中添加呼叫行动按钮这里, and how to create a form for your landing pages in HubSpot这里.)

8. Don't include attachments to your emails.

If you want to send your recipients something like a PDF or a Word document, don't attach the file to the email -- otherwise your email could get blocked byspam filters. Instead, upload the attachment to your website and link to the file location in your email usingan effective call-to-action button. This'll minimize the chance of being blocked by spam filtersand减少电子邮件的负载时间。

(HubSpot用户:集线器's attachment toolin the email editor automatically does this for you. Simply highlight a bit of text or an image and click the attachment icon, and HubSpot will turn that text or image into a link leading to that attachment.)

9. Don't use spam trigger words.

避免垃圾邮件过滤器的最简单方法之一是仔细选择您在电子邮件主题行中使用的单词。一个好的经验法则是:如果听起来像是二手车推销员会说的话,那可能是垃圾邮件触发单词。考虑“自由”,“保证,“无义务”等等。(有关更多信息,look at this list of common spam trigger words.)

与其使用这些触发单词,不如说是创造性,有趣且内容丰富 - 而不会付出太多。一些better ideas for subject linesinclude:

  • "Hi [name], [question]?"
  • "Did you get what you were looking for?"
  • "You are not alone."
  • "Feeling blue? Like puppies?"

10. Don't use a red font when drafting your emails.


实际上,people don't like when marketers use irregular fonts, font sizes, and font colors at all in emails. InRadicati组的同一研究, out of the top 10 objectionable email trends, four revolve around fonts. Over 60% of respondents considered it unacceptable for email marketers to use different font sizes, irregular fonts, and different font colors.Nearly 70% of respondents prefer fonts to be one size.

11. Don't forget to use spell check.

根据that Radicati Group study, 80% of all respondents find spelling and grammatical errors the most unacceptable email offense. But spelling mistakes aren't just unprofessional -- they're actually a spam trigger, too.

小拼写错误很容易通过 - 尤其是当您自我编辑时。Read this post to learn the most common spelling and grammar mistakesso you never make them again.

12. Don't jam pack your email copy with keywords.

Keyword-stuffing your emails means shoving as many keywords into your emails as you can. There's a reason Google give a lower rank to webpages that are stuffed with keywords -- and that's because it's harmful to user experience. No one wants to read content that's optimized for a robot.

To make it more likely folks will open your emails and not mark them as spam, write your emails for humans, not robots. Copywriting that makes people want to take action is both simple and compelling. To make your writing sound more personable and relatable, use casual language, colloquial expressions, and even personal anecdotes.

I love the example below from旋转风格周期((fromour roundup of 12 great email marketing examples).The copy is beautiful in its simplicity. It's friendly, yet sincere -- especially with the following lines:

  • "We know you are busy and would hate to see you miss out"
  • "Please let us know if we can help accommodate in any way possible"
  • "Feel free to give us a call - we want to help :)"

加,they provided me with the exact details I needed to know -- a reminder of what I'd signed up for and when, the expiration date, and a phone number to reach them. Check it out:


13. Don't use an overwhelming number of images, or huge images.

Using one large image as your entire email, or too many images in general, tends to end up in recipients' spam folders.

您还需要使图像文件大小尽可能小,而不会失去其视觉完整性以防止长时间的电子邮件加载时间。(如果您是HubSpot用户,则电子邮件工具会在电子邮件中自动压缩图像,以使其加载速度更快。对于非Hubspot用户,一些好的图像压缩工具包括Compressor.io,Compressjpeg.com, andjpegmini.com.)

Not to mention, Microsoft Outlook doesn't recognize background images, so you may want to avoid those and use a background color instead.


14. Keep your email lists current and clean.

Even if your list is entirely built on valid opt-ins, you are at risk of being branded a "spammer" if you don’t练习正确的电子邮件卫生. Why? Because internet service providers (ISPs) base complaint rates onactive订户,而不是总订户。

同时,电子邮件地址可以变成到期SPAM traps, meaning that even if you acquired emails in a legitimate manner, the abandoned addresses that haven't engaged in years may have morphed into spam traps. Hitting even just one spam trap can cause deliverability problems.

Expired email addresses can also turn into unknown users (bounces). If you hit unknown accountsat a rate higher that 5%, then ISPs are going to see you as someone who has really bad email hygiene. The result? They'll make it harder for your emails to reach people's inboxes, and your overall sender reputation will definitely drop -- leading to even more trouble reaching people's inboxes.

By keeping your email lists current and clean, you'll decrease the likelihood people will flag your emails as spam. You can identify inactive subscribers and expired email addresses with metrics such as opens, clicks, or website activity.

15. See if you can reengage inactive or infrequently active subscribers.

“ Graymail”是指技术选择接收的电子邮件,但不要真的想, leading them to become less active or inactive altogether. Although it's not considered spam, sending graymail is problematic because it can hurt the deliverability of your email overall. Tipped off by low engagement rates, ISPs and inbox providers may deliver email from known-graymail senders straight to recipients' "junk" folders -- so the email technically gets sent (and can even appear to have been delivered), but it's not necessarily seen.

跟踪您的不活动和不经常活跃的订户,并develop re-engagement campaignsfor contacts who have stopped engaging with your messages. For example, you could set conditions such as the length of time since their last form submission, website visit, or email click, triggering the email when it's been a while since a contact last engaged with you.

In your workflow, you might try sending them an exclusive offer or coupon to get them excited about your company again. Or, you might ask them for feedback by sending out a quick survey to see what they would like to see in your emails. (Read this blog post for more ideasfor launching an effective email re-engagement campaign.)

16. Do use double opt-in.

Double opt-in means that after someone subscribes to your email list, you send them a follow-up email with a confirmation link ensuring they actually want to receive email communications from you.

Users that have to confirm that they want email communications from your company are the ones that will fully read and engage with the emails they receive from your business. When you use double opt-in, your email lists will be much more qualified and your subscribers much more engaged. (HubSpot customers: Learn how to set up double opt-in in HubSpot这里.)

17. Ask your subscribers to add you to their address book.

Spam filters are more aggressive than ever -- so much so that sometimes, the emails people value and want to readstillend up in their spam boxes.

But most spam filters allow you to whitelist a sender by adding their email address to their email's address book. When subscribers add you to their address book, spam filters will back off.

18. You must include a clear unsubscribe link and a physical mailing address in your email footer.

让人们退订对于清单卫生很重要,因为任何收到您的电子邮件的人都应该to receive them -- otherwise, you're just spamming them. But did you know that it's非法的您的接收者没有办法在包括美国在内的许多国家轻松取消订阅?

In your marketing emails, you must include a way for folks to unsubscribe from your email list, either by simply sending a reply email or by clicking no more than one level deep to reach a page from which they can unsubscribe. Which method you choose is entirely up to you, as long as the information is clear and easy to locate.

The most common place for these unsubscribe CTAs is in the footer of your email, so users tend to know to look for it there -- which makes for a better user experience. Here's an example from one of HubSpot's emails:


In addition to the unsubscribe link, include a link to update subscriber preferences, which you can also see in the example above. That way, recipients can unsubscribe from just one type of email instead of all of them.

19. Honor your unsubscribes and remove them from your mailing list.

如果有人取消订阅,则必须从您的电子邮件列表中删除。这是法律。这应该不用说。Check out this list of effective unsubscribe pagesto make the unsubscribe process a little more delightful for recipients.

这是哪里电子邮件营销softwarethat integrates seamlessly with your CRM comes in handy -- because any unsubscribes are immediately processed and recorded in both the contact record and within the email software. (But if you're removing unsubscribed addresses from your list manually, make it a top priority to process that request.)

20. Use a familiar sender name.

Because people are so inundated with SPAM, they hesitate to open email from unfamiliar senders. Make sure recipients can recognize you in your sender by using your brand name.

Better yet, send the email from a real person. Recipients are typically more likely to trust a personalized sender name and email address than a generic one. At HubSpotwe found that从“ Maggie Georgieva,Hubspot”发送的电子邮件在Open方面表现更好and比电子邮件发送从“中心点击率pot." (HubSpot customers: Learn how to personalize the "From" name and email address这里.)

21.在“ TO:”字段中包括收件人的名字。

这样,垃圾邮件过滤器就知道您确实知道您的收件人。加,personalizing your emailsaround your contacts can also be vital to their engagement with your content.

22. Offer recipients both an HTML and a plain text version of your emails.

Plain text emails are simply emails void of any formatting, while HTML (HyperText Markup Language) emails use formatting that let you设计更多美丽的电子邮件with attractive visual components. By offering both a plain textandHTML version of a single email, you're not only indicating your legitimacy to ISPs, but you're also making your emails more reader-friendly.

Most email marketing tools will let you easily create plain-text versions within their email editor, so take those five extra minutes to create and optimize the plain-text version of your email. (HubSpot customers: Learn how to create a plain-text email in HubSpot这里.)


23. Allow people to view your email in a web browser.

即使采取了每一步以确保正确的电子邮件设计,电子邮件客户端也可以stilldisplay an email poorly. Include a link in every email to view the email as a web page. (HubSpot customers: Learn how to do this easily in HubSpot这里.)


24. Include alt text in your email images.

Many email clients block images默认情况下。这意味着,当有人打开你r email, the images won't load unless they click a button to show them or change their default settings.将Alt文本添加到您的图像helps recipients understand your message even if they can't see the images.


When you add alt text to the image, recipients will still know where to click to complete the action:


You can either edit the alt text in your email tool's rich text editor (just right-click the image and edit away), or you can manually enter it in the HTML editor of your email tool like this:

25. Keep your emails short and sweet.


保持简短和甜蜜的最佳方法之一就是像人类一样写作。像您在现实生活中与某人交谈的方式写您的电子邮件会使它感觉更加平易近人和相关。((阅读此博客文章,介绍如何编写引人注目的电子邮件for more tips.)

If you do have to write a lengthier email, then break it up into multiple paragraphs. Giving visual breaks and composing the email with a clear introduction, middle, and conclusion will make it much easier on your reader.


这些天来,电子邮件营销人员在创建电子邮件时必须考虑很多电子邮件客户。最重要的是,我们也必须考虑移动用户 - 毕竟53%的人read email on their mobile devices.

It turns outeach of these clients displays emails differently. While it may be time-consuming to test out your emails forall电子邮件客户端,您将需要测试他们最多使用的客户。根据Litmus' research of 1.06 billion email opens,排名前五的电子邮件客户端是:

  1. Apple iPhone's Mail app((28% ofusers)
  2. Gmail((16% of users)
  3. Apple iPad's Mail app((11% ofusers)
  4. Google Android's Mail app(9%users)
  5. 外表(9%users)

If your email marketing tool lets you, go ahead and preview what your email looks like in different email clients and devices that are popular with your audience. (HubSpot customers: Use ourPreview in other inboxesfeature to send a test email and see how the design of your email looks in each email client.)

You should also send out a test version of your email before you send out the real deal to ensure it's working properly. (HubSpot customers: Learn how to test your emails这里.)


Sender accreditation is a third-party process of verifying email senders and requiring them to follow certain usage guidelines. In return, you'll be listed in a trusted listing that ISPs reference to allow certain emails to bypass email filters.

28. Monitor the reputation of your sender's IP address.


DNSstuff.comlets you check on whether or not you are a blacklisted sender -- something many unlucky email marketers aren't even aware of.

29. Always stay up-to-date on changes in email sending laws, ISP behavior, and spam filter technology.


If you're looking for more information, check in with your company's legal department or a trusted lawyer to ensure you're staying within the boundaries of the law.Want to learn more about email deliverability? Watch classsixin our HubSpot Academy's电子邮件营销认证课程taught by HubSpot'sPost Master, Tom Monaghan.

电子邮件交付性Test Tools





The software will analyze the text in the message,your mail server, and IP to determine if there are any deliverability issues. Free users can access the report for seven days. You can also subscribe for unlimited email tests and reports that last for 30 days.


Mailtrap is an email testing tool that allows you to run numerous email experiments in a safe testing environment. It captures your test emails and provides options for inspecting and debugging your templates. With Mailtrap, all your email tests are neatly organized in one place and can’t be sent to real subscribers by mistake.





Spamcheck is a simple and free tool that allows you to paste a plain text message into a text box and analyze it for any language that might trigger spam filtering.


Spamcheck ScoreMxToolBox

MxToolBox allows you to test your email deliverability by sending a test email toping@tools.mxtoolbox.com. This email address will reply to the email with a linked call to action that says "View your full Deliverability Report." You can then click on the CTA to see a deliverability score and information about what might stopping your email from going into inboxes. If you want to see your result later on, but no longer have the reply email, you can search for the result using your email address onthe MxToolBox site.

Still want to learn more about email marketing after reading the tips above? Consider taking集线器's free email marketing certification course,which will walk you through even more best practices.


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